Unearthing magnificence
Time and time again we carefully select the very best gemstones for our jewellery collection.
The Emerald needs a truly breathtaking depth of colour to make it through the selection.
Green is the prime colour of the world, and that’s where its loveliness arises from.
– Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Majestic GREEN
Emerald is the king of gems and has been used in jewellery, amulets and art objects for thousands of years before Christ. The stone has been a symbol of power, eternal youth and immortality for many years. He was therefore always very popular with emperors and kings.
Majestic GREEN
Emerald is the king of gems and has been used in jewellery, amulets and art objects for thousands of years before Christ. The stone has been a symbol of power, eternal youth and immortality for many years. He was therefore always very popular with emperors and kings.